Like Carmon's previous post said, It's summer right now and unlike the States- teachers in Japan are required to come to school year round. So as of lately, I've been busy trying to find ways to get busy.
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My desk in the teachers room. |
Keeping busy isn't all I've been doing though. Last week, Carmon and I took some time off to travel a bit. To be honest, I kind of had a crappy attitude about the whole thing at first. You see, right now, all of our fellow AET's are returning back from their summer getaways. They've all gone to places like Cambodia, Thailand, Bali, Hong Kong, Hawaii and Germany, while the two of us settled on Tokyo, because some friends were coming to Japan. Tokyo in and of itself is awesome, right? But when everybody else is getting out of Nippon then Tokyo becomes just Tokyo. So I pouted.
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"Agh, there's NOTHING to do here!" |
"How awesome is life when trips to Tokyo seem casual?"
I mean, I'm an Okie... Tokyo to me is as exotic as Oprah to a Best Western. It's just an odd pairing ya know?
Anyway, my point is, Tokyo is awesome. It's the largest city in the world and there's no way I could ever exhaust what it has to offer. Once I made up my mind we'd just go have fun and explore, we found out that our friends didn't want to stay in Tokyo, but travel around a bit! So here is a summary of our vacation with Dudley and Vicki Chancey.
Meet the Chanceys.
Dudley Chancey was one of our Bible professors at OC. I had him once for Intro to Ministry my freshman year and Carmon had him for a Gerontology class. If you're an avid follower of the blog (you are) then you'll recall this post where I talk a bit more about the man.
I can't tell you as much about Vicki. This past week was the first time we ever really spent together but she's a wonderful woman and Carmon and I had fun hanging out with her.
And sleeping, too. |
First on our agenda was Japanese baseball at the Tokyo Dome.
(Quick FYI, the Tokyo Dome, aka the "Big Egg," is the largest roofed baseball stadium in the world.) |
Now, I knew from college that Dudley was a sports fan, but to stop there would be an injustice. This guy has been to every pro baseball stadium in the States and this wasn't his first time to see Japan League Ball either (He and Vicki have visited Japan multiple times). The night's game was coincidentally Japan's biggest rivalry matchup - the Tokyo Giants vs the Hanshin Tigers.
I never did find out which team was which. |
The downside of big rivalries is that sometimes you're forced to get less than ideal seats- like standing room only. Even so, we had a good time, and I got to witness the most hostile confrontation between two Japanese people yet! It consisted of a Giants fan telling a Tigers fan to go stand on his side of the stadium.
And that was that.
And that was that.
The Tigers won it 6-0 and before we left Carmon and I bought some sweet merchandise.
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After the game none of us really had any plans, so Carmon and I suggested going to Shibuya Station to show the Chancey's the world's largest intersection. It's quite the sight to see. Neither of them had ever been.
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With only 13 "likes" it's not my best instavideo. But seriously, 13? It should've at least broken 18. I'd even say 20. But 13? The camera panning to the right was SO smooth. Please follow me. |
Next, we decided to go check out Takeshita Street, which supposedly hosts a ton of weird Japanese fashions, but ended up being a bit underwhelming. Maybe it's too hot for them to dress up in their weird outfits. Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure Vicki found her new favorite shopping place.
Since the Chancey's have been here several times already they're over the "We must eat authentic Japanese" phase, which was fine with us. So, soon after Takeshita Street we stopped by some random pizza place called Shakey's.
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Days with earthquakes are buy one get one free. |
My experience in Japan thus far has been a relatively pizza-less one. To my dismay, finding a hand tossed (dare I say deep dish) style pizza that resembles something I'd find back home is a difficult and frustrating task. Sure, if I want to pony up $30 I can get something delivered to me that's pretty close to "American style" pizza. But for somebody who ordered Dominoes 3-4 times a month it's just not the same. (On the bright side, I can't help but think there's a correlation between my lack of pizza now and the 20 pounds I've lost since I've been here.)
Anyway, I say all that to draw this final point: Shakeys was awesome! We had a good ol' Pepperoni Pizza and it was big enough to feed all four of us! The drinks were huge, which, in a place like Japan where refills don't exist, was delightful. Probably the best pizza I've had since, oh... I don't know.
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April 9, 2013 |
Sensoji is Tokyo's oldest and most significant ancient Buddhist temple. |
To Sendai!
In case you didn't know, Sendai is about 2 hours North of Tokyo by the bullet train. More notably, it's coast was the worst hit area of the 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami. We were too far inland to see any of the devestated area though. I plan on going to do some relief work there eventually.
The four of us took a bullet train from Tokyo. OC starts back up on the 23rd (I think) and so Dudley would periodically work on next semesters reading assignments during the ride, Carmon and Vicki napped, and I would read or play games on my iPad after booking our hotel for the next two nights, courtesy our handy dandy iphone hotspots.
Sendai has a professional baseball team- the Rakuten Eagles. So after we arrived, I conjured up all my Japanese language powers to attempt buying us four tickets. This entailed going to the nearest 7/11- because in Japan you can do everything at a 7/11: from ordering professional baseball tickets to paying your utility bills to buying lunch to ice cream. I managed to get the tickets and it was a success. Kind of. Eventually, we had to get other tickets for a sooner game (think 'earlier', not OU) but the Chanceys graciously gave the first set of tickets away to some Japanese people we befriended.
After dropping off our stuff at the hotel we shopped around and explored a bit.
Luckily for us, that evening was the beginning of one of Japans largest festivals. The Tanabata (or Star) Festial. It's a tradition of the festival to write wishes on Taneaku paper and hang them around the area.
The main attraction of the festival was the gianormous firework display. It was an hour and a half long and one of the better firework shows I've seen. Fireworks- "hanabi" in Japan, are really uncomparable to those in the States. They're just ...better. Initially I'd think otherwise. I mean, it's America. Not only do we love seeing things blow up, there's just no better way to showcase our power and pride than a tightly wrapped collection of gunpowder and nitrate streaming through the skies with a dazzling red white and blue burst of glory. Accompanied by it's delayed boom echoing off the rooftops throughout the night.
But the fact is... Japan's fireworks are better. It makes sense when you think about it. America does fireworks twice a year (generally). Japan has some kind of festival or celbration or holiday every month. Not only are fireworks more frequent, they're available anywhere... like at 7/11. Or at the grocery store, or at the family mart or anywhere else lighters are sold. Plus, since the Japanese don't really have a military force they can focus more on making insanely large fireworks in stead. Like this 930lb Godzilla blinker...
Like I said, the fireworks that night were awesome. It rained for about an hour before the show but cleared up just in time for us to enjoy the sights.
The next day we spent mostly shopping and walking around Sendai's station.
Still a fun experience none the less.
So, in it's stead we went to go grab a Mos Burger, but after having Shakey's none of us were impressed. That night Carmon and Vicki treated themselves to foot massages. No picture necessary.
Probably the most fun sporadic decision of our trip was to go to Tokyo Disney Land! The Chancey's were leaving soon and they suggested spending the last day at the park. Fine by us! I hadn't ever been to any of the Disney-themed parks before. I've done Universal and Six-flags and Cedar Point (is Frontier City worth mentioning?) but never Disney.
Today was the day.
It was Magical.
The whole day went smoothly with the exception of a little hiccup waiting in line for our first ride - Space Mountain. We had spent about 50 minutes in line when the ride shut down. They didn't give us any idea when they thought it might be back up and running so we were in that weird place where you've already committed an hour to the line but you risk wasting that time, plus however long you stay, if it doesn't start back up again. We stayed, and in the meantime made small-talk with, Hey, a you're not-Japanese person, too!
Out of all the lines and rides and places to get stuck in, the four of us landed right by a fellow Okie. Well, he at least went to school in Norman. I gave him the "Boomer Sooner" and he accepted so that's Okie-enough for me. He's been here the past month (I think) traveling Japan and working on his Japanese. I think he was doing international business or something. It was cool running into him, and here of all places. In the course of our conversations he mentioned his dad lived in Minneapolis AND his last name was Piper.
I slowly began to recall that my beloved theologian/pastor had a son named A-something-Piper... And, John Piper lives is Minneapolis! This guy's name was Alex!
I thought,
"Could this be? Is this God's sovereign hand guiding the son of John Piper to none other than mine self? Are we gonna become best friends and will I get to hang out with he and his father on the weekends and maybe we could write books together and swing merrily discussing C.S. Lewis and the apostasy of Rob Bell?"
"Could this be? Is this God's sovereign hand guiding the son of John Piper to none other than mine self? Are we gonna become best friends and will I get to hang out with he and his father on the weekends and maybe we could write books together and swing merrily discussing C.S. Lewis and the apostasy of Rob Bell?"
I was nervous. What do I say? "Excuse me, are you John Piper's son?"
So stupid. I'd feel like an idiot.
Then Dudley asked, "Hey, are you related to 'John Piper'?"
I Looked at Dudley... Scared.
I looked at Alex...
I waited for his response...
His reply, able to dictate the fate of my life from then on out...
I felt like my heart had just been rick-rolled.
Well, Alex was a cool guy anyway. If you're reading this buddy you're free to chill in Mito with us for however long my wife and I are in Japan, even though you're not related to John Piper.
The ride eventually started back up and I finally got to experience Space Mountain -with shattered dreams of course.
But seriously, it was awesome. And the rest of the day was just a blast. Super thankful for the Chancey's friendship.
After space mountain we packed in as much other stuff as possible:
Pirates of the Carribbean
Saw the Castle
Ate some appropriately themed food.
Ya, no thanks! |
The next morning was good bye time. :(
The Chancey's had ended this year's journey in Japan and we we're fortunate to be a part of it. Even though we're the one's living here they were the ones treating us that week. Aside from all the general fun things that come from traveling to new places, Carmon and I really got a lot out of just spending time with a Godly couple. We were certainly encouraged and I feel like I've been spurred on to pursue more evangelism. They have that effect on people. We had breakfast that morning, said our goodbyes, and asked God to continue the work that he started.
And that was that.
Glad yall had fun! Thanks for the update!