And it turns out that's actually the theme of a conference I'll be headed to tomorrow afternoon, in Minneapolis Minnesota. It's an annual pastors conference with Desiring God Ministries, and my church is sponsoring my trip. Well, the cost of the conference at least. Me and two other interns are making the drive there.
Honestly, I'm really looking forward to it. I hate that'll I'll be away from the Ol' Wife for a few days but I think this conference is just what I need.
What's that?
Minneapolis is like a million miles away from Oklahoma?
No worries, I've been needing to catch up on my uncomfortably cramped road trips. My body was just about healed of the 90,000 miles I logged with the Summer Singers over the past 3 years, so this conference came just in time.
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"Were you able to get any sleep back there, Jim?" |
The theme of the conference is actually taken from a book John Piper wrote about ten years ago. It's called, "Brothers, We Are NOT Professionals." What's cool about this whole scenario is that not only was it the first Piper book I read, but it was one of the first big game changers for how I viewed the call to ministry. I find it interesting that I was exposed to it first at the beginning of my college career and here I am now, about to go to a conference focused on revisiting it's topics, right after I've graduated.
Amazon link* |
Taking a quick glance through the book I've come across a plea from Piper I had highlighted. It's a pretty good representation of what this book -and this conference I assume- is all about.
"First, submit yourselves to God. Draw near to Him. Live by the power of His grace. Let Him shape your desires rather than the world and the feisty, self-centered temperament of our culture. Let your life and your mouth bear witness to the real delights of knowing and trusting and obeying and being shaped and guided by the Creator of all things who loved us and gave Himself for us. Be a Christian -- and a visible and audible one. The world needs you so badly."
It was my freshman Intro to Ministry course where my professor told the class about some dude named Piper and then listed off a series of books we should all read, this being one of them. BTW, the professor was Dudley Chancey, and he's one of the most non-BS real deal disciples that I know. The man's always got 20 things going on and never slows down. The first thing he said to our class was something along the lines of, "Most of you guys spend your nights searching for porn and don't really care about ministry or sharing the Gospel". BOOM! Don't quote me on that but I'm pretty sure it was something like that- or just as in your face. The point is he does what needs to get done and says what needs to be said. So when he suggested Piper's book I went straight to amazon.
Dudley running on all cylinders.
When I took that shot we were conducting an interview about defining the Gospel while he simultaneously booked flights for mission trips to Honduras, helped one student put together a resume and organized some community outreach for students. Somewhere in there he teaches too.
Anyway, back to the conference. I'm super pumped about it. Can't wait to see what God might reveal and hoping to have a good time with my fellow interns, Matt and Ryan. If we get into any shenanigans I'm sure it'll be great blog material. Hey, and I get to use my Red Oxx bags too!
If you're interested, there will be a live stream of the conference February 4-6. I've added the link HERE.
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