Monday, January 7, 2013

A slow and steady take off.

Not every adventure begins with a bang. I mean, it took an entire movie to get The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy exciting, right? So why would you expect anything different from me, especially considering I'm not on any mission to save the world, yet.
Yay, more walking! 
I am, however, in the beginning stages of preparations to move to Japan. And like a plane before takeoff, I've begun the slow process of getting all the necessary things checked and ready. Mind you, we're in the beginning stage of our adventure. Much like the first 90 minutes of TITANIC, the next few months will be significantly less eventful than what is to follow.

"We're gonna need a bigger boat." 
However, one thing I've started to do as of today is work.
As in, like, work at a job.
As in, like, I'm supposed to be at a certain place at a certain time to do a certain thing and receive a certain amount of money.
That kind of work. "Where?" Well, if you know me, you might guess it could be at a place like some tropical resort, a skydiving company, or perhaps I could be a bull wrangler, jet designer or even a Marine Biologist. If you guessed any of those things you were close. In fact, I'm currently employed at a used car dealership, which, is obviously the next logical guess on that list. See, you WERE close!

Yet another career choice stifled by allergies.

Of course, you never know what could happen. Maybe the next time I blog National Geographic will have hired me for some freelance work. Or maybe not...

There's more where that came from, NG. 

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